Jaccard"s index - translation to ισπανικά
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Jaccard"s index - translation to ισπανικά

Jaccard similarity coefficent; Jaccard distance; Jaccard Similarity Coefficient; Jaccard coefficient; Jaccard similarity coefficient; Tanimoto coefficient; Jaccard coefficient of similarity; Jaccard similarity; Tanimoto score; Jacard index; Intersection over union
The probability Jaccard index can be interpreted as intersections of simplices.
  • A visual proof of the optimality of the Probability Jaccard Index on three element distributions.

  • alt=Photograph of the academic block of the institute
  • alt=Photograph of the faculty block of the institute
  • alt=Photograph of the sculpture of logo at the entrance of the institute
  • alt=photograph of the administrative block of the institute
  • alt=Photograph of the fitness and recreation centre of the institute
  • alt=Photograph of the MDP block of the institute
  • alt=Photograph of the multiutility centre of the institute
Indice; Indices; Indexing; Index (computer science); Index (mathematics); Indexes; The Index; Indexed; Index form; Index (disambiguation); User:Incnis Mrsi/External index; Index (information technology); Index (algebra); Types of indices; U+0084
poner un índice
Indice; Indices; Indexing; Index (computer science); Index (mathematics); Indexes; The Index; Indexed; Index form; Index (disambiguation); User:Incnis Mrsi/External index; Index (information technology); Index (algebra); Types of indices; U+0084
(n.) = indización

Def: Operación documental dirigida a representar por medio de un lenguaje documental o natural los datos resultantes del análisis del contenido de un documento.
Ex: The features which contribute to UDC's suitability for detailed indexing are particularly valued in special libraries.
* abstracting and indexing journal = revista de resúmenes
* abstracting and indexing publication = publicación de resúmenes, revista de resúmenes
* abstracting and indexing service = servicio de indización y resumen
* abstracting and indexing tool = instrumento para resumir e indizar
* alphabetical indexing = indización alfabética
* alphabetical indexing language = lenguaje de indización alfabética
* automatic indexing = indización automática
* back-of-book indexing = creación de los índices de un libro
* back-of-the-book indexing = creación de los índices de un libro
* canonical indexing = indización canónica
* catchword indexing = indización por palabras clave del título
* catchword title indexing = indización por palabras clave del título
* chain indexing = indización en cadena
* computer-based indexing system = sistema automatizado de indización
* computer indexing = indización automatizada
* controlled indexing language = lenguaje de indización controlado
* controlled indexing term = término de indización controlado
* controlled indexing vocabulary = vocabulario de indización controlado
* controlled-language indexing = indización en lenguaje controlado
* coordinate indexing = indización coordinada
* cycled indexing = indización cíclica
* cyclic indexing = indización por ciclos
* Deep Structure Indexing System (DSIS) = Sistema de Indización de Estructura Profunda (DSIS)
* depth indexing = indización en profundidad, indización exhaustiva
* depth of indexing = exhaustividad en la indización
* derivative indexing = indización derivada automáticamente de los documentos
* derived indexing = indización derivada automáticamente de los documentos
* descriptor indexing = indización por descriptores
* DISI (Deep Structure Indexing System) = DSIS (Sistema de Indización de Estructura Profunda)
* entity-oriented indexing = indización según el objeto
* free indexing language = lenguaje de indización libre
* free language indexing = indización en lenguaje libre
* human indexing = indización humana
* indexing agency = agencia de indización
* indexing and abstracting service = servicio de indización y resumen
* indexing bulletin = boletín de índices
* indexing field = campo indizable
* indexing journal = revista de índices
* indexing language = lenguaje documental, lenguaje de indización
* indexing periodical = revista de indización
* indexing phrase = frase de indización
* indexing process = proceso de indización
* indexing service = servicio de indización
* indexing string = cadena de indización
* indexing system = sistema de indización
* indexing term = término de indización
* indexing tool = herramienta de indización
* keyword indexing = indización por palabras clave
* machine indexing = indización mecanizada
* manual indexing = indización manual
* natural indexing language = lenguaje de indización natural
* natural language indexing = indización en lenguaje natural
* Nested Phrase Indexing System (NEPHIS) = Sistema de Indización por Frases Anidadas (NEPHIS)
* periodical indexing = vaciado de revistas
* periodicals indexing service = servicio de indización de publicaciones periódicas
* permuted title indexing = indización permutada de títulos
* post-coordinated indexing = indización postcoordinada
* post-coordinate indexing system = sistema de indización postcoordinada
* Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI) = Indización Permutada de Materias basada en Postulados (POPSI)
* PRECIS indexing = indización PRECIS
* PRECIS indexing system = sistema de indización PRECIS
* pre-coordinated indexing = indización precoordinada
* pre-coordinate indexing system = sistema de indización precoordinada
* probabilistic indexing = ?
* request-oriented indexing = indización según la demanda
* rotated indexing = indización por rotación
* SLIC indexing = indización SLIC
* subject indexing = indización por materias, asignación de materias
* systematic indexing = indización sistemática
* title-term indexing = indización por palabras del título
  • alt=Photograph of the academic block of the institute
  • alt=Photograph of the faculty block of the institute
  • alt=Photograph of the sculpture of logo at the entrance of the institute
  • alt=photograph of the administrative block of the institute
  • alt=Photograph of the fitness and recreation centre of the institute
  • alt=Photograph of the MDP block of the institute
  • alt=Photograph of the multiutility centre of the institute
Indice; Indices; Indexing; Index (computer science); Index (mathematics); Indexes; The Index; Indexed; Index form; Index (disambiguation); User:Incnis Mrsi/External index; Index (information technology); Index (algebra); Types of indices; U+0084


Banda de frecuencias entre 2 y 4 GHz. Utilizado por Sistemas de Distribución MultiCanal, Multipunto (MMDS).


Jaccard index

The Jaccard index, also known as the Jaccard similarity coefficient, is a statistic used for gauging the similarity and diversity of sample sets. It was developed by Grove Karl Gilbert in 1884 as his ratio of verification (v) and now is frequently referred to as the Critical Success Index in meteorology. It was later developed independently by Paul Jaccard, originally giving the French name coefficient de communauté, and independently formulated again by T. Tanimoto. Thus, the Tanimoto index or Tanimoto coefficient are also used in some fields. However, they are identical in generally taking the ratio of Intersection over Union. The Jaccard coefficient measures similarity between finite sample sets, and is defined as the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of the sample sets:

J ( A , B ) = | A B | | A B | = | A B | | A | + | B | | A B | . {\displaystyle J(A,B)={{|A\cap B|} \over {|A\cup B|}}={{|A\cap B|} \over {|A|+|B|-|A\cap B|}}.}

Note that by design, 0 J ( A , B ) 1. {\displaystyle 0\leq J(A,B)\leq 1.} If A intersection B is empty, then J(A,B) = 0. The Jaccard coefficient is widely used in computer science, ecology, genomics, and other sciences, where binary or binarized data are used. Both the exact solution and approximation methods are available for hypothesis testing with the Jaccard coefficient.

Jaccard similarity also applies to bags, i.e., Multisets. This has a similar formula, but the symbols mean bag intersection and bag sum (not union). The maximum value is 1/2.

J ( A , B ) = | A B | | A B | = | A B | | A | + | B | . {\displaystyle J(A,B)={{|A\cap B|} \over {|A\uplus B|}}={{|A\cap B|} \over {|A|+|B|}}.}

The Jaccard distance, which measures dissimilarity between sample sets, is complementary to the Jaccard coefficient and is obtained by subtracting the Jaccard coefficient from 1, or, equivalently, by dividing the difference of the sizes of the union and the intersection of two sets by the size of the union:

d J ( A , B ) = 1 J ( A , B ) = | A B | | A B | | A B | . {\displaystyle d_{J}(A,B)=1-J(A,B)={{|A\cup B|-|A\cap B|} \over |A\cup B|}.}

An alternative interpretation of the Jaccard distance is as the ratio of the size of the symmetric difference A B = ( A B ) ( A B ) {\displaystyle A\triangle B=(A\cup B)-(A\cap B)} to the union. Jaccard distance is commonly used to calculate an n × n matrix for clustering and multidimensional scaling of n sample sets.

This distance is a metric on the collection of all finite sets.

There is also a version of the Jaccard distance for measures, including probability measures. If μ {\displaystyle \mu } is a measure on a measurable space X {\displaystyle X} , then we define the Jaccard coefficient by

J μ ( A , B ) = μ ( A B ) μ ( A B ) , {\displaystyle J_{\mu }(A,B)={{\mu (A\cap B)} \over {\mu (A\cup B)}},}

and the Jaccard distance by

d μ ( A , B ) = 1 J μ ( A , B ) = μ ( A B ) μ ( A B ) . {\displaystyle d_{\mu }(A,B)=1-J_{\mu }(A,B)={{\mu (A\triangle B)} \over {\mu (A\cup B)}}.}

Care must be taken if μ ( A B ) = 0 {\displaystyle \mu (A\cup B)=0} or {\displaystyle \infty } , since these formulas are not well defined in these cases.

The MinHash min-wise independent permutations locality sensitive hashing scheme may be used to efficiently compute an accurate estimate of the Jaccard similarity coefficient of pairs of sets, where each set is represented by a constant-sized signature derived from the minimum values of a hash function.